Details: The Espy, Melbourne - 31 October 2004. Pornland are a six piece funk band from Adelaide whose fun-filled live show I first witnessed at the Evelyn in 2000. They are all great musicians and vocalist Slatty D possesses one powerful set of lungs. In addition to the musicians, Pornland also consist of several other individuals who appear on stage as various characters, including a pistol toting gorilla and a security guard, Gino the Goth, complete with 70s porn moustache. Crowd involvement is part and parcel with a Pornland show with the band at one point encouraging everyone to crouch down on the floor and then jump up simultaneously. The setlist consists of songs from their three releases (2 EPs and 1 LP) as well as a number of unknown funky jams. At one point on CD 1, Track 5, the guitarist plays the main riff to Metallica's 'Frantic'. Anyway, the recording came out really well and is a lot of fun to listen to. It goes for about 90 minutes. My rating: A.


CD 1

1. Unknown
2. Old Man
3. Get It Up
4. Unknown
5. Unknown
6. Unknown
7. The Wucca Wucca Disco
8. My Baby

CD 2

1. Pontius Pilate
2. Unknown
3. Slap Dat Ass
4. In And Out 
5. Strudel Juice

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